Saturday, December 31, 2011

What the Hell is a Weeaboo?

Disclaimer: All in pure fun.

I'm sure majority, and by majority I mean 1 or 2, of you want to hear the drabble of a 19 year old who claims to know what the term "weeaboo" means.  Guess what? You do, because it will be HILARIOUS.   Here's a brightly colored image to catch your attention! :D

That's right. We here today to talk about the ultimate geek: THE WEEABOO.

So, what exactly is a weeaboo, really?  What makes them so special that I have devoted a blog to them? (As if the image above isn't enough). 

To put it in simple terms, they're huge GEEKS, but in a special way.  Weeaboos specifically target the Japanese culture.  Here is a definition from to clear things up.

Someone who is obsessed with Japan/Japanese Culture/Anime, etc. and attempts to act as if they were Japanese, even though they're far from it. They use Japanese words but usually end up pronouncing them wrong and sounding like total a**holes. You can find alot of these f*ggots clogging up the forums of Gaia Online, hanging out in the international aisle of the supermarket, or crowding the manga section of your local bookstore. Synonym of wapanese.

So, it's a person obsessed with the Japanese culture, particulary the subculture of anime, manga, cosplay, etc.  What does a weeaboo DO though?  Here are some images to show you (Besides the hideous image at the top).

1. Watch anime

2. Read Manga

3. Study Japanese (By study I mean watch anime)

4. Go to anime conventions... and Cosplay (Costume + Play)

5. Play Japanese video games on Japanese gaming systems, with androgynous characters

6. "Indulge" in the Japanese Culture

Now that you know what a weeaboo is and does...I want you to play BINGO with your friends to find out if YOU are a WEEABOO, using this card.